City of Eudora

12 East 7th St
Eudora, KS 66025
(785) 542-2153
Monday - Friday
8:15 am - 4:15 pm
  • About

    About the City Manager's Office:

    The City of Eudora operates under a Commission-Manager form of government whereby the elected City Commission sets policy objectives, and the City Manager ensures they are carried out and administered effectively. The relationship between the Commission and City Manager functions in the same way as does a Council-Manager government. The City Manager serves at the pleasure of the City Commission and is the City Commission's chief advisor.

    This form of government can be likened to the private sector relationship between a board of a corporation and its Chief Executive or Chief Administrative Officer.
    In addition to implementing City Commission policy, the City Manager is also responsible for the following:

    *overall management of City operations
    *appointing department directors
    *coordinating the development and analysis of policy recommendations presented to the City Commission
    *preparing and proposing an annual budget for consideration by the City Commission
    *enforcing municipal laws and ordinances

  • Whom to Contact

    • Kevyn Gero
      City Manager
      12 East 7th St
      Eudora, KS 66025
      Phone: (785) 690-7246

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