Lunch & Learn at The Park - Customer-Centric Strategies
Customer discovery is vital to a startup’s ability to provide value, and not just for the early problem-validation stage. Ongoing success is dependent on a consistent loop of learning from, building with and serving customers. Whether you’re a seasoned entrepreneur or just starting out, customer discovery is vital to a startup’s success. It can help define the persona of your ideal customer and determine problems that need solutions. It can test your assumptions and realign your strategies with your customers’ needs. Join the Park on August 28 to hear best practices for customer discovery to learn and iterate quickly. Serial entrepreneur, two-time startup founder, and startup consultant Jaime Gassmann will share tangible tools and approaches, like the art of asking questions and lean experimentation in pursuit of problem and business model validation. This event is free, but registration is required as lunch will be provided. Please register here. This event is open to anyone. You do not have to work for a Park company to attend. If you register and can no longer attend, please let us know. Registration will close on Friday, August 23.HOW TO VALIDATE AND LEARN…FAST
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