Envoy Monthly Meeting: 2025
Every month, The Chamber's Envoy group meets to network, discuss current initiatives, and have fun! Who Can Join?! Special thanks to our 2025 Envoy Chairs Secily Rees at Envista Credit Union and Landon Berquist at Foundations Commerical!
What is an Envoy?!
1. Our Envoy committee represents The Chamber in the community.
2. Envoys support local businesses and non-profits and encourage others to do the same.
3. Envoy members attend ribbon cuttings, business after hours, and other Chamber events!
4. This group welcomes new Chamber members and serves as ambassadors for our organization to the business community and the Lawrence community as a whole.
5. Envoys get weekly emails including last minute reminders for events, upcoming event agendas, and more!
Any employee of a Chamber member business can join the Envoy Committee! It?s a free benefit to members, with the option to purchase an Envoy name tag for a small fee.
Interested in joining? Contact Jared Martin at JMartin@LawrenceChamber.com today!

Lawrence Kansas
The Chamber
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718 New Hampshire St. Lawrence, KS 66044
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(785) 865-4411
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